info easter open west
Easter open west
Easter Open West is played at the beautiful sports park of Ter Leede, the town of Sassenheim.
A sports park with excellent organizations to make a tournament a success. But they have already proven that in recent years, fun and lots of exercise.
On Saturday and Sunday the U17 to U13 teams play in Sassenheim.
Nice trips to Amsterdam, or Ajax stadium tour, who wouldn't want to experience it. Enjoy a swim in Duinrell, or a nice walk on the beach!
Because you play in day parts (not available on request), you still have the opportunity to organize fun outings, outside of football.
Registration is not free.

These days you play in half days, i.e. either before noon or after noon, no long waiting times. These are not available upon request.
The group matches are on Saturday, the placement and final matches are on Sunday.
- Saturday: pool matches 09.30-13.00 or 13.30-17.00
- Sunday: placement/final matches 09.30-13.00 or 13.30-17.30
At Easter Open West you are free to book accommodations yourself, this is not a must.
Some accommodations:
- Center Parcs Zandvoort
- Stay Okay Zandvoort
- Duinrell
- Dunimar dune resort
- Roompot holiday parks
- Landal Parks
- etc